How To Brew The Best Coffee At Home

How to Brew the Best Coffee at Home

There’s something about the wintertime that makes coffee so much more appealing. Sure, there’s iced coffee in the warmer times

5 Holiday Gifts For Cats

5 Holiday Gifts for Cats

Don’t forget about your favorite feline! Cats need a Christmas too, I mean they are part of the family, right?

Gift Guide Spotlight – Gotrax Hoverfly Xl Self Balancing Board (hoverboard)

Gift Guide SPOTLIGHT – GoTrax Hoverfly XL Self Balancing Board (Hoverboard)

When shopping for my husband I find it difficult. Why is it that the closer you are to someone the harder it is to get them something for Christmas? This year he helped out a bit by dropping hints. One of those hints is a hover board (self balancing board), so my friends over at GoTrax helped me out by sending me one! Just last week I got the Hoverfly XL (pictured).
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