So you’ve decided to take the plunge and start a blog. Congratulations! Whether it’s for business of just expressing your thoughts, having a blog can be very rewarding. And getting started is way easier than you think.
Decide what you want to write about

Do you have a passion for creating delicious dishes? A knack for crafts? Maybe you are a world traveler and want to share your experiences with the world. Or you just want to tell your story. Decide what you want to focus on and branch off from that. There is literally a niche for any idea you might have, be it vintage cross stitch patterns, cave exploration, or even chihuahuas. What do you love? Write about it!
Pick a Domain
Choose a domain that speaks to you. Check Godaddy to see if it’s available and to register it. Check the social channels to find out if the handles you want are available and grab them. Top five to check are:
Also secure Tik Tok and Youtube just in case!
Get Hosting
While you can use hosting or, I can guarantee you that you will want to be self hosted. Being on the other platforms will get you online but will also limit your capabilities, so spend a little money and get your own hosting. My favorite host is Websavers. Websavers offers plans as low as $3 per month and their support is top notch. OR you can even get a small hosting plan for FREE with domain registration or transfer. I have used a VPN service with Websavers for years and have never had any issues.

Pick a Theme
I love that WordPress has so many options when it comes to a site theme. browse through their free themes or check out Themeforest for some paid themes. Most of the sites you go to have paid for their design and theme, so don’t be afraid to ask them about it!