This time of year is filled with ONE thing – Back to School. This will be my second year sending my own kids to regular school. My little first graders will scamper off to class in September, backpacks full of supplies and heads full of dreams and ambitions.

I am lucky that I am able to afford their school supplies, despite the expense. Yes, I am one of the lucky ones. But there are so many students out there that aren’t so lucky. It’s for this reason I partnered with several other bloggers and Classroom Direct for #GivingBackPacks!
Thanks to Classroom Direct there will be several students getting backpacks full of supplies that would otherwise not have them, or have to borrow from teachers who are stretched thin in supplies as it is. You know those class supply lists that everyone gets that seem excessive? Really they aren’t. As a volunteer in my own children’s class I saw the supplies dwindle firsthand. At first there were ample supplies – boxes upon boxes of crayons, pencils, and markers. But as the year wore on markers dried out, crayons broke, and pencils got chewed on. Did you know that teachers have to throw pencils away if there is a bite mark on it? Or if the erasers are worn down or pulled out. This is the reason for that excess.
Teachers don’t get paid what they deserve as it is. They are the ones shaping our children’s futures, the LEAST we can do is make sure they are supplied so they don’t have to worry about that. The teachers are the ones who need to provide supplies for those who can’t afford it.
It’s these reasons I decided to work with Classroom Direct on this campaign.
Because Classroom Direct was so kind as to donate a HUGE backpack of supplies to my children’s school (of which I am giving directly to the 1st grade teachers), I wanted to point out some great information about their site. Because, really – these are some pretty great call-outs:
Ideas & Resources – Lesson plans, classroom decoration ideas, communication forms, inspirational downloads and more!
Classroom Connection Blog – Tips & tricks, ideas & resources, classroom management, and much more.
So consider donating a little bit more than what your class list requires. Help a teacher and some students out. Even if it’s an extra box of tissues. Your teacher and the students will appreciate it more than you know.
Classroom Direct Facebook
*Although I was supplied with the backpack full of supplies to donate, I was not otherwise compensated in any way for this post. All opinions are my own.