Although October is Fire Prevention Month, we can look to First Alert to make sure we are practicing fire prevention every month. Thank you to First Alert for partnering with this site in spreading the word.
A couple of months ago I was sitting in my room working. The window gives a partial view of the quiet surburban street outside. I glanced out and saw red and blue flashing lights – a lot of them. I walked out my front door, most of my neighbors were all outside watching the commotion.
One of the houses was on fire.

As I watched the firefighters extinguish the flames licking the roof, I couldn’t help but think of the family that lives there – a wonderful couple (J and T) whose children were all grown and in college. The wife works at my children’s school and I see her nearly every day. Their dog Bo, a 10 year old yellow lab, is one of the sweetest pups I know and often hangs out in the backyard, smiling his dog smile at passersby through the chain fence.

The family wasn’t home – J and T had gone to visit their daughter at her college dorm, so J’s mother was there to watch the dog and home while they were gone. Unfortunately the fire was caused by the dryer malfunctioning, sparking the lint collector and igniting everything in the laundry room, making its way through the ceiling to the attic and roof. J’s mother got out unscathed. Important papers and photos were not touched by the flames.
Bo did not make it.

I couldn’t help but think about my own home. I am often here alone with the dog and two cats, often doing laundry and working. What if this happened to us? What if it happens while we are sleeping? What can we do to prevent this from destroying our lives?
Thankfully J and T have fire insurance and are now in the process of having a new home built, but it really has been an uphill battle. It took weeks to clean out the old home, placing all of their smoke-laden belongings that are salvageable in a portable storage unit. Dealing with the loss of their “4th child” Bo. Wondering if they could have avoided this entirely.
I got to work on my own home making sure that I was prepared for disaster. First Alert sent me several products to put my mind at ease. They sent me:
- 10-Year Atom Smoke & Fire Alarm (MSRP: $39.99)
- 10-Year Dual Sensor Smoke & Fire Alarm (MSRP: $49.95)
- 10-Year Alarm Life Carbon Monoxide Alarm (MSRP: $59.95)
- 10-Year Combination Smoke & Carbon Monoxide Alarm (MSRP: $49.99)
- Tundra Fire Extinguishing Spray (MSRP: $19.99)
I had only one smoke/carbon monoxide alarm in my home, but now I feel much more prepared with new alarms near my bedroom and my children’s bedrooms.
Plus I have a small Fire Extinquishing Spray in the kitchen where most fires happen. We have discussed a disaster plan and what to do in case of emergency. We have an escape route. We know the neighbors we can go to in case of emergency.
I feel much more confident and prepared now that I have taken every precaution in being prepared in case of a fire emergency.
Thank you to First Alert for sending me some important products regarding Fire Safety.