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Diy Makeup Brush Cleaning Tool Plus My Favorite Cleaner!*I have been compensated by Johnson’s® Baby for this post; however, I am sharing my own thoughts. All opinions are my own.

If you are anything like me you have a strong love for makeup. I was a makeup artist in college and LOVED playing with color. Now that there are some seriously amazing brands out there I  have a makeup collection that rivals some pros.

So I obviously have a problem keeping my brushes clean. Have you ever gone to use a makeup brush only to find older color on it, ruining your blended look? Me too. Fortunately I have not only the best DIY makeup cleaning tool BUT I also discovered the BEST brush cleaner known ever and you will be surprised at what it is… HINT – it’s found in the baby aisle at your local Walmart

Yes, it’s Johnson’s Baby Moisture Wash!

I had used Johnson’s Baby products in the past for other uses, and even Johnson’s Baby Shampoo for cleaning my makeup brushes, but I found that the Baby Moisture Wash is delicate, rinses clean, and leaves my brushes amazingly soft. Plus using it with my DIY Cleaning Mat is a perfect match. Best of all you can find it at Walmart for a fraction of the cost of brush cleaning solutions.

You will need:

  • 1 piece of plastic or acrylic (I used a flexible cutting board, but you can use anything plastic).
  • Glue Gun
  • Scissors
  • Johnson’s Baby Moisture Wash
  • Soft Towel

Start by cutting your plastic down as needed. I made mine into a heart (which fits perfectly in my makeup travel bag). Using the glue gun make dots, squiggles, and lines. Allow to cool and you are ready to clean!

Apply some Baby Moisture Wash directly to the cleaning mat. Wet brushes and rub & swish them around, then rinse and pat dry.

I just know you will LOVE this method and see how clean your brushes will be. I had tried expensive brush cleaners and nothing really works as well as Johnson’s Baby Moisture Wash. Head over to Walmart (or just order it) and grab some.

Diy Makeup Brush Cleaning Tool Plus My Favorite Cleaner!Be sure to check out this Johnson’s Baby Hacks Pinterest Board for some GREAT alternative uses of some great Johnson’s Baby products!

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