Who doesn’t want to be a superhero? Whether you are young or old, superheros are pretty awesome. April 28th is National Superhero day and PJ Masks wants you to CELEBRATE with these fun and easy ideas to have a great time!
Print out some PJ Masks
Head over and print out some PJ Masks character masks – it’s an EASY way to have some fun with your little superheros. Play some fun games and make up stories!

Make Some No-Sew Capes
Cardiclips has a GREAT tutorial on how to make Superhero Capes – that you don’t even need a needle and thread for! Go check it out and get some fun PJ Masks-Inspired capes going!
Get the Official PJ Masks Hero Celebration Kit (Printable)
Everything you need to have your own party – right from your printer! Click HERE to download and print it all out!

Make some PJ Masks Inspired Food
I love themed food! This KoolAid Popcorn is absolutely perfect – and so incredibly easy too! See how to make it at KeyIngredient.com
Have a PJ Masks Viewing Party!
PJ Masks is on Disney Jr – but you can also head over to PJMasks.com as well as the official PJ Masks Youtube channel to watch PJ Masks episodes whenever you want!
See? It is so incredibly easy to put together a fast and easy PJ Masks Superhero Party! If you don’t want to print out you can also find Official PJ Masks party supplies at Party City, so be sure to look out there! And be sure to download PJ Masks digital mini-album, “Here We Come,” as your party music!!
*this post is sponsored by PJ Masks
Hi I’ve been trying to access the printable kit, but every time I try to print it I can’t is it maybe too old or something ?
Hi! It’s a HUGE file so it might be timing out on your end – I just tried and it worked for me! Here’s a direct link: https://lifeshehas.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/pjmasks-hero-celebration-kit.pdf