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So things are looking a little different here, aren’t they? If you are a regular at All Mommy Wants you will see that I have tweaked my tune just a bit and I wanted to explain why I did this…

I am not really a “mommy blog”…

I’ve Rebranded! Welcome To My New Home

I mean, I am a mom with a blog. But I found myself writing less and less about my children and involving them less into projects. The reasoning for this is that they are getting older and are growing out of the mommy/baby thing. They still love being a part of some of my content, and still will be around, I promise you, but they will no longer be a big focus.

I’ve Rebranded! Welcome To My New Home

They also want their own social presence. I am not ready for that yet. 

I want to focus on things that I love…

I’ve Rebranded! Welcome To My New Home

I have always been a girly-girl at heart. I have always loved makeup, fashion, and pretty things. In fact before becoming a mom I was a makeup artist in California for a number of years. I loved it and I missed it. I also love traveling, so I am incorporating more of that into my new brand. And of course all of the food, cocktails, and entertainment will still be a big focus.

I want to stretch my wings…

I’ve Rebranded! Welcome To My New Home

I actually really wanted to create more visual content. I love photography and videography. I just finished building my YouTube space so I can be ready to shoot at a moment’s notice. I love the idea of video because it is so much more personal and real to me, I hope that shows to you, my readers and watchers. By the way you can totes follow me over on YouTube because I am regularly posting videos and it’s a lot of fun.

And finally – I want to show you the true ME.

I’ve Rebranded! Welcome To My New Home

I found that I was losing my mojo. I spent the first half of this year in a funk – no motivation, no love, only doing the content I absolutely had to do to make a paycheck. I wasn’t doing what I loved. Looking back at my content it was blatantly obvious.

Now that changes. Of course there will still be some sponsored content here (a girl’s gotta pay her bills), but I am excited about creating, and I hope you love what I do.