I love this whole “imperfect mom” movement we are having in entertainment. In a Pinterest-Home and Garden world, I sometimes feel like I just can’t keep up. Much like Katie (Katy Mixon) in ABC’s new show American Housewife, I am realizing I don’t have to keep up with it all. I just need to do me. I am finding many similarities in her and I, and if you see the show (Tuesdays), you might too…
5 Times I Was Katie From American Housewife
That time I had to explain what Spanx are to my husband
In the pilot episode Greg (Diedrich Bader) notices Katie’s stomach feels like a “new bag of flour”.
“Those are my spanx”,” she says casually and confidently and proceeds to explain what Spanx are. I had a similar experience. One day I was trying on some dresses and walked into my room with my Spanx on. I think every single woman out there knows what Spanx are and probably has some, but men? Most men are clueless. “what the **** do you have on???” spouted from my husband’s mouth. So I proceeded to explain what they were and what they did. And so burst the bubble of illusion in how I can fit into “that dress”…
That time when all I wanted was a nap
Like Katie, every single night I am woken up by a child or two. While mine are more “I had a bad dream” or “I need water” instead of Katie’s kids extreme excuses (“I made a bad trade in my investor’s club and I think I am having a heart attack”), it does make me want to take a nice long nap. But who has the time? Between dropping kids off, picking them up, going to the grocery store, volunteering at school, not to mention keeping up my business of blogging, taking animals to the vet, then after school it’s gymnastics and karate and playdates and oh no my husband has a man-cold now… Naps are a fond memory. You guys I am so tired….
That time I actually got my nap
…in the car. Sort of. I had about 30 minutes between going to the bank and getting the kids. I parked at school. I set my alarm. I power-napped.
That time I refused to fit into the standard
That’s pretty much every day for me. With Katie it’s her size. With me it’s my bright hair, tattoos, and whatever I decide to wear that day. Oh, and my size (I’m a 12). Being 42 doesn’t mean I am geriatric. Age and weight are just a number.
That time I relished in my own family chaos
Sometimes I look around and see the mess my kids left on the table, but when I see them in the midst of creating whatever they are creating and why that mess is there, it’s a little bit easier to accept it. And enjoy it.
American Housewife is now part of ABC’s Tuesday Lineup! Check out all of comedies in this new schedule:
8:00pm – The Middle

8:30pm – American Housewife

9:00pm – Fresh Off the Boat

9:30pm – The Real O’Neals
Disclosure: I was invited to attend the event with travel provided, all opinions are my own.