Sharing is caring!

Cultivating gratitude in your life is an important skill. Gratitude can help you feel satisfied with what you have, rather than focused on what you don’t have. One way to cultivate this skill is by making sure you say “thank you” to your friends and family.  Telling your friends and family you’re thankful for them will help strengthen your relationships and help you feel happier. Usually, thanking people via phone call, text, or face to face does the trick. Sometimes though, when someone has done you a huge favor, you’ve got to send a thank you card.

There’s a trick to writing thank you cards. If you start off by saying “Thank you so much for X,” it’s hard to find something else to say after that. But if you don’t say anything else, your thank you card is only a sentence long. To help lengthen your thank you card, try talking about what they did for you, without thanking them for it at first. Here’s an example:

“I’m really looking forward to going to college, Aunt J. I can’t wait to signup for classes and make new friends. The money you gave me will be so helpful to pay for everything. Thank you so much for all your love and support!

Love, Alice”

How To Write A Thank You Card Beautifully

Aunt J helped pay for Alice to go to school, so Alice talks about school first. Then she mentions the money Aunt J gave to her, then Alice thanks her for it. And there we have a nice four sentence long thank you card. Aunt J is sure to feel the thought and care that went into writing it.

How To Write A Thank You Card Beautifully
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Now that you’ve got a fool-proof method for writing your thank you notes, you need to find some cards you love to send out. One website with some great options is Basic Invite. They have all the thank you cards you could ever want, and all of their designs are color customizable. So if you like a design, but hate the color scheme, you can change it up how you want. They have over 40 different colors of envelopes, so you can match your cards to your envelopes. I’m partial to their glamorous typography thank you cards, but if that’s not your style, you can find all their options here. They also have cards for most major life events, like weddings and graduations. I really like their graduation picnic invitations and their official graduation invitations.

How To Write A Thank You Card Beautifully

I hope you can use this advice to write some awesome thank you cards and cultivate gratitude in your life. And I hope your friends and family adore the beautiful stationery you send them!