5 Back To School Gift Ideas For Teachers
Summer is quickly coming to an end, and the first day of school is just around the corner. It’s time for your children to get to know their new teachers and learn new subjects.
While we all know that getting good grades will always be a result of studying hard for tests, doing all the required homework, and paying attention in class, the following tips for teacher gifts can help to grease the wheels and get the year started on the right foot.
1. A Positive First Impression
It’s always nice to start things off on the right foot with your children’s new teachers. There are always opportunities to make good impressions at the beginning of the year with a thoughtful introduction. A creative gift can be a memorable way to spark a positive student-teacher relationship. It’s not about earning extra brownie points, but a way to make the teacher feel appreciated for his or her efforts and set a positive foundation for the rest of the year.
In the past, an apple was considered to be the standard treat to bring a teacher, but that notion is pretty outdated and cliché. The best thing to do these days is to show some creativity and initiative when bringing a teacher a gift at the beginning of the school year. Get crafty, be clever and make a splash. It’s a sign that your student is committed to standing out from the crowd.
2. Get Noticed!
One way to put a new spin on the old apple idea is to take the concept of giving fruit as a gift to a new level. Send them fruit in a decorative basket or eye-catching display to really grab their attention. It gives them something more substantial and unique they can share with other teachers in the faculty break room or that they can take home to enjoy with their own families.
3. Fun with Snacks
There are other simple ideas that can also be great to try. Oftentimes, cleverness will go a long way. Certainly, making your own cookies or cupcakes to bring to the teacher (and for the entire class) is a great idea. It’s also very easy to buy some common brand-name treats, package them up in a nice way and include a clever card. Have fun with the wording. Puns never go out of style, so play with the wording and use that memorable brand name to your advantage:
- Give a bag of M&M’s with a ribbon around it: “You’ve earned these M&M’s. I plan to earn plenty of As and Bs this year!”
- Gift-wrap a few packs of Extra gum: “You are one truly Extraordinary teacher!”
- Bring an old-fashioned bottle of soda with a bow on top: “I’m soda-lighted you are my teacher.”
- Put a Snickers bar or two in a gift bag: “These are the last Snickers you’ll get from me in class.”
4. Get Practical
Treats are nice and easy, but you can also package up some office supplies that the teacher might actually be able to use in class. Again, it doesn’t have to be anything expensive or extravagant. Prepare a nice gift presentation along with a clever card or note attached.
- Gift bundle of Sharpie pens in a decorated jar: “You are such a Sharp teacher!”
- A ruler or yardstick, tied up with a bow: “Your teaching really measures up.”
- Package of glue sticks in a gift box: “Looks like you’re stuck with me all year.”
- Wrap up a box of crayons: “Color me excited to be in your class this year!”
5. Make it Personal
If you want to go the extra mile, you can do a little research about the teacher to find out his or her hobbies or interests. Facebook is a great resource, but you can also ask parents or past students who were in that teacher’s class in recent years to learn more about that person. Pick out a sensible gift that reflects the teacher’s interests and it can really mean a lot to them.
Remember, gifts like these are just meant as a fun way for your kid to provide a memorable introduction to his or her new teacher for the school year. Plus, it’s a great back to school project you can share with your kids and get them excited to meet their new teachers. As the saying goes with any gift, it’s truly the thought that counts!